What is Score A Programme™?
Is a fully interactive programme based on the official government syllabus that has been proven effective to help students be exam ready and Score A’s. "Your Dream, Our Vision, Do Not Choose To Be A Commoner.!"

Friday, December 31, 2010

Score A Programme™ - Unique Features

eNotes are brief notes but compact especially prepared for use for all subjects in the Score A Programme.

eNotes is specially suitable for students wishing to do revision on any subject before practicing. It is prepared topically. Therefore, students are encouraged to go over the eNotes before answering questions in eTopic.

So that, students will be better prepared when they start to do exercises or answer questions in the eTopic specifically when looking for the correct answers.

Good Luck!

ePast Year Exam allows students sitting for national examinations to practise on actual past years’ examination papers. These are actual UPSR, PMR and SPM examination papers set by the Ministry of Education and is made possible through our affiliationship with Cerdik Publications Sdn Bhd, who has been given the exclusive rights by the Ministry of Education to publish and distribute past years’ examination papers. Each exam paper is set exactly as the actual examination paper format and students have the options to select questions either by “year” or by “random” and have to complete all exercises within the time allocated. This exclusive and invaluable feature allows students countless examination practices thus helps and condition students to be exam ready and Score A's in the real examinations.

eTopic is a revision module that allows students to do short regular exercises and provides instant Output Learning to assess a student's level of understanding of a particular topic taught in school. Students can select a particular topic taught in class that day and instantly find out if they have understood what they have learnt and review their understanding of that topic. Parents will be able to monitor their children’s academic progress and help them identify their children's strength and weaknesses so that timely measures can be taken to correct any shortcomings.

With eTopic, answers are corrected instantly to allow the student to learn from their mistakes. Each question allows the student four attempts to find the right answer. Each attempt that is incorrect will have 1/3 point deducted, and when the wrong answer is selected, the student will be informed instantly, thus "forcing" the student to re-read the question before his or her 2nd, 3rd or 4th attempt. This instils the habit of reading the question carefully and understanding it before attempting an answer.

eProgress is a monitoring chart that allows parents keep track of their children’s performances on eTopic. This feature is an effective monitoring tool that is designed to keep parents informed of their children’s work schedule, ensuring parents that their children eTopic exercises are done and completed accordingly. Parents would be updated on the number of attempts their children has done on each topic, thus specifically highlighting the “difficult topics” faced by their children. This information will help parents identify specific topics in a subject that their children have difficulties in, instead of generalising and categorising weaknesses by subjects.

eTrial Exam™ module is designed to simulate actual exam environment for UPSR, PMR and SPM. It further enhance your children’s exam readiness.
This module will help your children condition themselves to the pressure of completing the exam in a specific amount of time allocated according to Examination Board's Standards.

eTrial Exam™ was designed like an actual exam and the student will have to submit it for correction or grading after they have completed it. The grading is instant.

This module thus help and condition students to be confident, exam ready and score A’s.

eAssessment™ was carefully designed to allow your children do exercises as often as they want and provides instant Output Learning to assess your children's understanding of a particular subject taught in school. Your children can select a subject at any one time and instantly find out if they have understood what they have learnt and review their understanding of that subject. As parents, you will then be able to identify your child's strength and weaknesses so that timely measures can be taken to correct any shortcomings before the actual examinations.

eReport Card™ is A MUST HAVE feature for any concerned parents. It records all your children’s output learning sessions, be it eAssessment or eTrial Exam.

This feature gives parents unprecedented 1st hand knowledge of their children’s strong and weak subjects. It records and displays your children’s average scores for each subject for that month. You can also check on previous months’ results to compare the difference.

Click on “More” & it will display the actual score of each output learning exercises.

Furthermore, the eReport Card™ records the last 10 completed eAssessment™ or eTrial Exam™ to give you a review of their performances & identify weakness so that timely measures can be taken to correct whatever deficiency before the actual exam takes place.

Trace and keep an eye on your children's studies and lesson movement. Without going through any third-party, parents are able directly encourage their children with this eReport Card™. Undoubtedly, this evaluation tool is priceless for those who want to score straight A's.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Gedung Terbakar - Score A Programme Akan Berada di PWTC

Temui kami (Team Score A Programme) di Booth "Gedung Terbakar"


(Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra)

29 - 30 Mei 2010

10.00 am - 6.00 pm

Masa sudah suntuk dan peperiksaan penting (UPSR/PMR/SPM) akan bermula tidak lama lagi untuk tahun ini, oleh itu dapatkan portal latih tubi berkesan Score A untuk anak anda segera di sana.!!!


Semua Silibus dari Darjah 1 - Tingkatan 5

RM596 - 6 Bulan
(Online Report Card untuk 2 orang anak PERCUMA)

RM248 - 3 Bulan
(Online Report Card untuk 1 orang anak PERCUMA)

+RM50 untuk report card anak seterusnya untuk seumur hidup


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Score A Programme™ - Dr. Ilias Zaidi (Ph.D.)

Alhamdulillah, kami dengan segala hormat dan penuh syukur mengalu-alukan penyertaan Dr. Ilias Zaidi (Ph.D.), mantan profesor dan juga bekas pensyarah di UiTM untuk menyertai kumpulan kami dalam Score A Programme™.

Penyertaan beliau merupakan satu penghormatan bagi kami. Nama beliau amat tersohor dalam bidang akademi dan juga merupakan seorang penulis prolifik yang telah banyak menyumbang didalam bidang kewartawanan dan penulisan khususnya buku-buku berunsur pelajaran dan peperiksaan.

Beliau telah menulis lebih dari 230 buah untuk peringkat sekolah untuk pelajar-pelajar sekolah bersedia menghadapi peperiksaan UPSR, PMR, SPM dan STPM dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu. Beliau juga merupakan seorang pengkritik sastera yang terkenal dan bekas seorang wartawan yang berpengalaman.

Walaupun telah bersara sebagai seorang pensyarah, beliau tidak pernah bersara dari memajukan dan menyumbang kepada kemajuan dalam bidang akademik dan pendidikan anak bangsa. Kemasukan beliau dalam Score A Programme™ dan kumpulan kami khususnya merupakan satu penghormatan kepada kami dan syarikat Kenshido dan semoga momentum dan kehebatan Score A Programme™ berterusan dan semakin meningkat selaras dengan kehebatan nama beliau.

Biodata Dr. Ilias Zaidi.


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Score A Programme™ - 1 Portal 1 Keluarga

Perasmian 1 Portal 1 Keluarga

15 April 2010

Auditorium Perdana Siswa Universiti Malaya

Bersama Y.A.B Tan Sri Dato' Haji Muhyiddin Mohd. Yassin
Timbalan Perdana Menteri Merangkap Menteri Pelajaran

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Score A Programme™ - 2010 New Year Promotion Extended

Please take note that the below Top Up Promotion have been EXTENDED!

Promotion period ENDED 15/4/2010.!!!

Any Top Up of 3 months / 6 months on or before 15/4/2010 will be given extra 3 months / 6 months F.O.C.

All Top Up shall expire on or before 31/12/2010 whichever earlier.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Score A Programme™ - Potensi Edisi 17, Tahun Ke-3 2010

Anjakan Paradigma Berubah Ke Arah Minda 1%

Minda yang dijajah adalah minda orang yang pasrah untuk bekerja dengan orang lain meskipun tiada pilihan atau terpaksa menjawat jawatan yang paling rendah sekali.
- Aziz Samad, Bapa Anjakan Paradigma

Monday, March 29, 2010

Pesta Buku Antarabangsa KL, PWTC 2010 - Gerai Jualan (Booth) Score A Programme

Belikut ini merupakan beberapa gambar aktiviti kami bersama pengunjung dan pelanggan Score A Programme™ di Gerai Jualan sempena Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur, Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC) pada 27 - 28 Mac 2010 tempohari.

Tempat: Pesta Buku Antarabangsa 2010, Kuala Lumpur PWTC
Tarikh: 27 dan 28 Mac 2010
Masa: 10.00am - 8.00pm

Sambutan adalah sangat memberangsangkan dan diluar dari jangkaan. Penerimaan pengunjung terhadap produk Score A Programme™ adalah sangat HEBAT!. Kami semua mengucapkan syabas dan tahniah kepada ibu bapa yang prihatin terhadap pendidikan dan prestasi pelajaran anak-anak mereka.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Score A Programme™ - i-Teacher Sample

Score A Programme™ - i-Teacher

About Score A Programme™ - i-Teacher

A research product of the researchers of the School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia (with Associate Prof. Dr. Zuraidah Abd. Rahman
& Associate Prof. Omar Majid). Started in 2006.

Founded by a number of research grants from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), the Ministry of Higher Education and Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Our Panel

Prof. Hanafi Atan
B.Sc. Hons. (Warwick), M.Sc. (Sussex), Ph.D. (Sussex)

Professor of e-Learning
School of Distance Education
University Sains Malaysia


International Technology
Exhibition (ITEX 2008) Award

i-Teacher Unique Features

A. Comprehensive contents.

B. In-house developed in accordance to sound instructional design principles includes pictures and graphics.

C. Translation from English to Bahasa Malaysia on selected terminologies.

D. Links to external resources (other websites and animations) from the contents.

E. A large number of solved problems.

F. The intelligent avatar is a pedagogical agent (tutor, coach or teacher) consisting of a virtual reality avatar. It is highly interactive and provides feedback on questions posed to the i-Teacher via a computer-stimulated voice and printed texts. It has a high degree of realism. It provides highly intelligent responses to all questions (social questions or course contents related) forwarded to the avatar.

G. Animation (developed in-house).

H. On demand power point tutorials.

I. Interactive assessment.

J. Other learning tools (interactive diagrams, brain teasers, flip books, educational games, etc)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Score A Programme™ - SPM 2009 Students Congratulation

Score A Programme™ - 1 Malaysia 1 Card Activate It Now

Thursday, March 11, 2010

SPM 2009 - 7987 Pelajar Cemerlang

Sumber Utusan Malaysia - 12/03/2010

Seramai 7,987 calon Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) 2009 memperoleh gred cemerlang (A+, A, dan/atau A-) bagi semua mata pelajaran yang diduduki.

Daripada jumlah itu, seramai 255 calon mendapat gred cemerlang tertinggi A+ iaitu 214 calon dari sekolah Kementerian Pelajaran manakala 41 calon lagi merupakan calon persendirian, swasta dan sekolah tajaan agensi.

Pada keseluruhannya pencapaian calon kali ini amat membanggakan dan melebihi pencapaian tahun sebelumnya.

Pencapaian calon mengikut lokasi bandar dan luar bandar juga menunjukkan peningkatan berbanding tahun sebelumnya.

255 dapat A+
Oleh Sazarina Shahrim

Pencapaian SPM 2009 membanggakan, 7,987 peroleh gred cemerlang

PUTRAJAYA: Seramai 7,987 atau 1.99 peratus calon Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) 2009 memperoleh gred cemerlang (A+, A dan A-) bagi semua mata pelajaran yang diambil, berbanding 6,277 atau 1.6 peratus pada tahun sebelumnya.

Daripada jumlah itu, 214 calon Kementerian Pelajaran serta 41 calon persendirian, swasta dan tajaan agensi, mendapat gred cemerlang tertinggi A+ mengikut penggredan baru yang mula diperkenalkan tahun lalu. Menerusi penggredan baru itu, pelajar diberikan gred berdasarkan kecemerlangan peperiksaan dengan kategori A+, A, A-, B+, B, C+, C, D, E dan G.

Dalam keputusan SPM yang diumumkan Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran, Tan Sri Alimuddin Mohd Dom, semalam dua calon mendapat keputusan A+ bagi semua 15 subjek, satu calon (14 subjek), tiga calon (13 subjek), 19 calon (12 subjek), 59 calon (11 subjek), 79 calon (10 subjek) dan 51 calon (sembilan subjek).

Sambil menyifatkan pencapaian keseluruhan tahun ini membanggakan, Alimuddin berkata, 364,046 calon mendapat sijil SPM kali ini, berbanding 347,443 pada 2008.

Beliau berkata, walaupun peratusan bagi 2009 dan 2008 adalah sama, iaitu 90.8 peratus, ada pertambahan calon seramai 16,603 yang berjaya mendapat sijil SPM kali ini. Katanya, Gred Purata Nasional (GPN) SPM menunjukkan pencapaian lebih baik, iaitu 5.34 berbanding 5.51 tahun sebelumnya.

Beliau berkata, 68,131 atau 17 peratus calon sekolah Kementerian Pelajaran mendapat sekurang-kurangnya gred C bagi semua mata pelajaran yang diduduki, berbanding 60,902 atau 15.9 peratus pada 2008.

Bagaimanapun, katanya, bilangan calon yang gagal atau memperoleh gred G turut meningkat, iaitu 4,626 atau 1.15 peratus berbanding 2,589 atau 0.67 peratus pada tahun sebelumnya.

Alimuddin turut mengumumkan Gladys Tan Yee Kim dari Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Green Road, Kuching, Sarawak, sebagai pelajar terbaik SPM 2009 dan Sekolah Menengah Sains Seremban, Negeri Sembilan sebagai sekolah terbaik.

Sembilan pelajar terbaik lain ialah Grace Kiew Sze-Ern (SMK (P) Sri Aman, Petaling Jaya, Selangor); Khadijah Ahmad Jais (SM Agama Persekutuan Labu, Negeri Sembilan); Akmal Hidayat Sabri (SMK Derma, Kangar, Perlis); Syamilah Mahali (Kolej Tunku Kurshiah Seremban, Negeri Sembilan); Amelia Lee Wei Ling (SMK Taman Melawati, Selangor); Nur Syuhadah Muhamad (SM Sains Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra, Kota Bharu, Kelantan); Lai Yin Kwin (SMK Tinggi Melaka, Melaka); Corinne Gunn Huey Min (SMK Taman Melawati, Selangor) dan Hu May Khei (SMK Convent, Taiping, Perak).

Sembilan lagi sekolah terbaik pula ialah Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Shah, Klang, Selangor; Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Integrasi (SBPI) Gombak, Kuala Lumpur; Sekolah Tun Fatimah, Johor; Sekolah Menengah Sains Alam Shah, Kuala Lumpur; SBPI Rawang, Selangor; Sekolah Menengah Sains Muar, Johor; SBPI Temerloh, Pahang; SMK Infant Jesus Convent, Johor Bahru, Johor dan Kolej Tunku Kurshiah Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.

Tahun lalu, 465,853 pelajar menduduki SPM membabitkan 406,420 atau 87.2 peratus calon Kementerian Pelajaran; calon persendirian perseorangan (32,561/tujuh peratus), calon Sekolah Menengah Agama Rakyat dan sekolah swasta (11,036/2.4 peratus); sekolah menengah agama negeri (8,765/1.9 peratus), manakala Maktab Rendah Sains Mara dan sekolah Kementerian Pertahanan (7,071/1.5 peratus).

Alimuddin juga berkata, 258 daripada 538 calon istimewa atau 51.9 peratus berjaya mendapat sijil SPM berbanding 208 atau 47.8 peratus tahun lalu.

Beliau berkata, seorang calon rabun penglihatan berjaya mendapat keputusan cemerlang 4 A+, 3 A, 4A- daripada 11 mata pelajaran yang diambil, manakala seorang lagi mendapat 4A+, 3A, 3A- daripada 10 mata pelajaran.

Mengenai pencapaian sekolah, beliau berkata, 66 sekolah dikategorikan cemerlang, 278 baik, 1,654 pada tahap memuaskan dan 143 berpotensi.

Beliau berkata, calon yang mendapat gred cemerlang dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu turut menunjukkan peningkatan daripada 25.4 peratus pada 2008 kepada 31.3 peratus tahun lalu, manakala Bahasa Inggeris meningkat kepada 75.6 peratus berbanding 73.9 peratus pada tahun sebelumnya.

Seramai 97,341 atau 24.3 peratus calon memperoleh sijil GCE O-Level untuk Bahasa Inggeris 1119 berbanding 87,383 atau 22.9 peratus pada tahun sebelumnya. Daripada jumlah itu, 15,289 atau 3.8 peratus calon berjaya memperoleh gred 1A atau 2A berbanding 12,645 atau 3.3 peratus sebelum ini.

Mengenai Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM), Alimuddin berkata, 3,138 calon berjaya memperoleh sijil itu berbanding 3,098 pada tahun sebelumnya.

Daripada jumlah itu, 422 memperoleh keputusan Mumtaz (cemerlang) berbanding 562 pada tahun sebelumnya.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Score A Programme™ - Sijil Pengesahan dan Kepatuhan Syariah

Alhamdulillah dan Tahniah kami ucapkan, pada 7 Februari 2010 bersamaan 22 Safar 1431 Kenshido International Sdn. Bhd. telah mendapat Sijil Pengesahan dan Kepatuhan Syariah produk portal Score A dan juga pelan pemasaran bebilang tingkatnya.

Score A Programme™ - 1 Malaysia 1 Card

Score A Programme™ - i-Teacher Unique Features

i-Teacher Unique Features


A large array of specially developed animations is embedded for the effective representation of the concepts of the subject contents. Links are also provided within the contents to enable the students to gain access to additional animations and resources made available in the internet.

Self Assessment:

Self-assessment with automatic feedback is provided. This consists of large numbers of sample questions and solutions that are geared towards preparing the students for the SPM examination. All questions are accompanied by appropriate feedback on how to arrive at the correct solutions. The feedback will highlight the mistakes and errors commonly made by students and provide them with guides on how to arrive at the correct solutions.

Intelligent Avatar

The i-Teacher, an intelligent avatar with a high degree of human appearance, provides intelligent speech feedback on all text questions posed by the students. This feedback is designed based on common questions asked by students in the actual classroom setting. Thus, the i-Teacher allows students to experience an authentic learning environment. The students can select various characters according to their preferences.

On Demand Power Point Presentation

On-demand power point presentations of all subject contents are provided. These presentations illustrate the subject contents and provide students with knowledge and skills to meet the learning objectives. They mimic actual classroom teaching by the teacher. Unlike the normal classroom teaching, however, these presentations can be repeated as many times as desired to enhance learning and understanding of the concepts learnt.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Score A Programme™ - Existing Form 4 and Form 5 Syllabus

Form 4 & 5 Arts Stream (7 Subjects)

1. English
2. Mathematics
3. Sejarah
4. Science
5. Perdagangan
6. Prinsip Akaun
7. Ekonomi Asas

Form 4 & 5 Science Stream (6 Subjects)

1. English
2. Mathematics
3. Sejarah
4. Physics
5. Chemistry
6. Biology

New Distributor Orientation - NDO 20 March 2010

Score A Programme™ - No. 1 Malaysian Webucation Business

"If you have ever wished that you could just once be in the right place at the right time, you should seriously consider webucation itself, or marketing a webucation product. With the number of online users growing every day, the market is limitless and the opportunities are endless."

"Online continuing education is creatf in a new and distinct educational realm, and it is the future of education. There is a global market here that is potentially worth hundreds of billions of dollars." - Peter Drucker

Score A Programme™ - Testimoni Pelajar UPSR 2009

Tahniah saya ucapkan kepada pelajar-pelajar yang telah mendapat keputusan cemerlang pada peperiksaan UPSR 2009 dengan bantuan Score A Programme.

Berikut merupakan beberapa testimoni mereka:

Adira Frank (pg 2): ... the eNotes help me to find the answers quickly.

Chin Kah Lok (pg 3): ... It is user friendly and effective.

Wang Pui Kei (pg 5): ... menghilangkan kebosanan berdepan dengan buku. Wujud semangat terus berusaha menjawab soalan dan menambah keyakinan diri.

Tan Tong Fang (pg 9): ... help me to get 10 years question..., and I can do exercise anytime.

Khiirthanna (pg 10): ... is very motivating, fun and exciting.

Shalini (pg 14): The notes are very easy to understand and colourful.

Yogeswari (pg 18): I learn at my own flexible time and ability.

Siti Hamizah (pg 20): ... Saya tidak perlu membuka buku rujukan kerana Score A ada segalanya.

Nurrisa Hasmin (pg 24): ... Cara pembelajarannya amat menarik, berkesan dan mudah.

Thevina (pg 27): ... lots of practise and many different types of questions.

Devaraj (pg 30): ... opportunity to do ample exercises independently.

Muhammad Afiq (pg 31): ... mudah dan praktikal...

Devaraj (pg 33): ... do not have to wait for my paper to be marked by my parents. ... can keep on repeating the exercise until I get good at the subject.

Ratnahsre (pg 36): ... has benefitted me... and in my school assignments too.

Nur Haslinda (pg 37): ... ibu saya telah menghantar saya ke pelbagai program motivasi namun tiada perubahan sehinggalah saya menyertai program Score A....

Siti Raudah (pg 38): ... ia menjadi "medan pertandingan" untuk saya meraih keputusan yang tertinggi ketika menyemak di ruangan Nationwide Honours Roll.

Afiqe (pg 39): ... Saya boleh mengurus masa belajar saya sendiri tanpa dikongkong sepenuhnya oleh ibu bapa saya.

OK, tak dapat saya nak catatkan di sini semuanya... terlalu banyak.

Kesimpulan yang dapat saya rumuskan di sini ialah bahawa Score A Programme ini memang terbukti membantu pelajar-pelajar untuk berjaya didalam peperiksaan, hatta seorang pelajar yang lemah pun boleh mencapai keputusan yang cemerlang di dalam peperiksaan UPSR baru-baru ini dengan latih tubi yang betul dan berkesan.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Keputusan SPM, STAM 11 Mac

Sumber Utasan Malaysia - 05/03/2010

KUALA LUMPUR 4 Mac - Keputusan peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) dan Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM) 2009 akan diumumkan pada 11 Mac ini.

Ketua Pengarah Kementerian Pelajaran, Tan Sri Alimuddin Mat Dom berkata, calon-calon kedua-dua peperiksaan tersebut boleh mendapatkan keputusan berkenaan di sekolah masing-masing mulai pukul 10 pagi.

"Calon persendirian pula akan mendapat keputusan mereka melalui pos yang akan dihantar oleh Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri," katanya dalam satu kenyataan di sini hari ini.

Beliau berkata, analisis keputusan peperiksaan tersebut juga akan dibentangkan pada hari yang sama di Kementerian Pelajaran.

Sejumlah 465,853 calon mengambil SPM dan 6,920 lagi menduduki STAM tahun lalu.

Monday, February 15, 2010

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* RequiredCreate Your Own Contact Form

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Score A Programme™ - Product & Business Preview

Discuss your child's education with other parents in our Education forum.

Score A Programme™ - Product Preview





09:00 pm


HQ Kota Damansara


09:00 pm


HQ Kota Damansara


11:00 am


HQ Kota Damansara


09:00 pm


ZRB, Suite 26-1, Jalan 3/146, Metro Business Centre, Bandar Tasik Selatan 57000 Kuala Lumpur


09:00 pm


ZRB, Suite 26-1, Jalan 3/146, Metro Business Centre, Bandar Tasik Selatan 57000 Kuala Lumpur


03:00 pm


ZRB, Suite 26-1, Jalan 3/146, Metro Business Centre, Bandar Tasik Selatan 57000 Kuala Lumpur


10:00 am


ZRB, Suite 26-1, Jalan 3/146, Metro Business Centre, Bandar Tasik Selatan 57000 Kuala Lumpur


Please come 30 minutes early to get a seat.!!!


Please contact our eLearning Consultant for an assistant.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Score A Programme™ - Price and Package

Kod Pengaktifan dan Kod Top-up

- 1 Kod Pengaktifan, berharga RM50, digunakan untuk pendaftaran 1 orang anak, sekali sahaja seumur hidup.

- 1 Kod Top-up, berharga RM198 bagi Ahli, RM248 bagi Bukan Ahli, digunakan untuk akses selama 3 bulan, untuk kesemua anak.


- Pendaftaran untuk 1 orang anak i.e 1 Kod Pengaktifan (RM50).

- Penggunaan (akses) selama 3 bulan i.e. 1 Kod Top-up (RM248).

- Tambahan RM50 bagi pendaftaran setiap tambahan anak ke 2 dan seterusnya, sekali sahaja seumur hidup.

- Top-up RM248 bagi penggunaan semula selama 3 bulan seterusnya bagi kesemua anak.


- Pendaftaran untuk 1-2 orang anak i.e. 2 Kod Pengaktifan (RM50 x 2 orang anak).

- Penggunaan (akses) selama 6 bulan i.e. 2 Kod Top-up (RM248 x 2 orang anak).

- Tambahan RM50 bagi pendaftaran setiap tambahan anak ke 3 dan seterusnya, sekali sahaja seumur hidup.

- Top-up RM248 bagi penggunaan semula selama 3 bulan seterusnya bagi kesemua anak.

Pengiraan Kos Pembelajaran Score A Programme™

Kos 1 anak sebulan, untuk semua subjek, 24x7:

- Ada 1 anak = RM298 / 3 bulan / 1 orang = RM99.33 sebulan

- Ada 2 anak = RM596 / 6 bulan / 2 orang = RM 49.66 sebulan

- Ada 3 anak = RM596 + 50 / 6 bulan / 3 orang = RM 35.88 sebulan

- Ada 4 anak = RM596 + 100 / 6 bulan / 4 orang = RM 29.00 sebulan

- Ada 5 anak = RM596 + 150 / 6 bulan / 5 orang = RM 24.86 sebulan

Cukup murah!

Lebih murah daripada kos pembelajaran tuisyen

i.e. RM30 sebulan untuk 1 orang anak, untuk 1 subjek, 6 jam seminggu.


- Pendaftaran untuk 1-2 orang anak i.e. 2 Kod Pengaktifan (RM50 x 2 orang anak)

- Penggunaan (akses) selama 6 bulan i.e. 2 Kod Top-up (RM248 x 2 orang anak)

- Tambahan RM50 bagi pendaftaran setiap tambahan anak ke 3 dan seterusnya

- Top-up RM198 bagi penggunaan semula selama 3 bulan seterusnya bagi kesemua anak

- Untung runcit Top-up RM50 (Harga Ahli RM198, Harga Bukan Ahli RM248)

- Dapat 1 akaun bisnes


- Harga sebenar RM2,980 i.e. 5 Set Portal SAP x RM596

- Untung runcit / jimat RM1,192

- Untung runcit Top-up RM50 (Harga Ahli RM198, Harga Bukan Ahli RM248)

- Cara balik modal dengan jual produk – 3 Set Portal SAP x RM596 = RM1,788

- Dapat 3 akaun bisnes


- Harga sebenar RM8,940 i.e. 15 Set Portal SAP x RM596

- Untung runcit / jimat RM3,392

- Untung runcit Top-up RM50 (Harga Ahli RM198, Harga Bukan Ahli RM248)

- Percuma 6 keping DVD, 4 Leaflets, 5 Success Module – berharga RM418

- Cara balik modal dengan jual produk – 10 Set Portal SAP x RM596 = RM5,960

- Dapat 7 akaun bisnes

PAKEJ AHLI / USAHAWAN e-MAX RM10,800 + Percuma RM418

- Harga sebenar RM17,880 i.e. 30 Set Portal SAP x RM596

- Untung runcit / jimat RM7,080

- Untung runcit Top-up RM50 (Harga Ahli RM198, Harga Bukan Ahli RM248)

- Percuma 6 keping DVD, 4 Leaflets, 5 Success Module – berharga RM418

- Cara balik modal dengan jual produk – 18 Set Portal SAP x RM596 = RM10,728

- Dapat 11 akaun bisnes

Score A Programme™ - Be Exam Ready and Score A's

The key to accomplish good grades is Output Learning™ - the ability to retrieve and apply what you have studied or learnt. Many students do only Input Learning - reading, studying, memorising & listening are only Input Learning - that is why students get average marks. To excel, your children need Output Learning™. Discover how we coach your children using Output Learning™ techniques.

We have invested four years of research and development into this ultimate Output Learning™ tool that has been carefully designed to be in line with the school curriculum set by the Ministry of Education.

We will help and guide your children to - BE EXAM READY & SCORE A's and endeavour the impossible to improve their work. Practice makes perfect. The will to succeed is important but what's even more important is... the will to prepare. Come examination day, your children will sail through the challenge with confidence and Score A's.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Score A Programme™ - PIBG National Endorsement

Score A Programme™ - Online SMS

Kami telah melaksanakan ciri baru ke dalam examhall SAP kami iaitu pemberitahuan eReport Card melalui SMS. Apabila anak anda membuat latihan dalam Examhall kami, sistem SAP akan memberitahu anda melalui SMS mengenai percubaan dan keputusan yang anak anda perolehi. Anda akan memperolehi maklumat-maklumat seperti berikut:

Untuk mengaktifkan ciri ini, login sebagai ibubapa (di bawah Login Ibubapa) dan pilih Profil Ibubapa. Anda akan melihat maklumat mengenai diri anda. Kemaskinikan nombor telefon bimbit anda, jika perlu; formatnya mestilah 6-012-3456789. Kemudian pilih eReportCard. Untuk membatalkan ciri ini, ulangkan langkah seperti di atas dan padamkan pilihan eReportCard.

Perhatikan bahawa anda akan dikenakan bayaran promosi RM0.30 setiap SMS. Bayaran ini akan muncul dalam bil telefon bimbit anda

Score A Programme™ - eDictionary


To further help student better understand questions in English, we provide an eDictionary to help define or explain the meaning of any words in question. At the same time, this will help students learn English while preparing for exams.


Untuk membantu pelajar memahami soalan dalam Bahasa Inggeris, kami menyediakan eDictionary untuk menjelaskan makna perkataan dalam soalan. Ini akan membantu pelajar belajar Bahasa Inggeris sambil bersiap sedia untuk peperiksaan.

Score A Programme™ - eReport Card™

eReport Card™

eReport Card™ is A MUST HAVE feature for any concerned parents. It records all your children’s output learning sessions, be it eAssessment or eTrial Exam.

This feature gives parents unprecedented 1st hand knowledge of their children’s strong and weak subjects. It records and displays your children’s average scores for each subject for that month. You can also check on previous months’ results to compare the difference.

Click on “More” & it will display the actual score of each output learning exercises.

Furthermore, the eReport Card™ records the last 10 completed eAssessment™ or eTrial Exam™ to give you a review of their performances & identify weakness so that timely measures can be taken to correct whatever deficiency before the actual exam takes place.

The key objectives are:-

1. Allow parents constant & timely monitoring of children's academic performances.
2. Evaluation of performances to render assistance, if & when necessary.

Trace and keep an eye on your children's studies and lesson movement. Without going through any third-party, parents are able directly encourage their children with this eReport Card™. Undoubtedly, this evaluation tool is priceless for those who want to score straight A's.

eReport Card™

eReport Card™ adalah SATU CIRI YANG PERLU ada bagi ibu bapa yang prihatin terhadap pembelajaran anak. Ia memaparkan kesemua sesi pembelajaran output anak anda, samada dari e-assesment mahupun e-Trial exam.

Ciri ini membolehkan anda mengetahui secara terperinci akan kekuatan dan kelemahan terhadap subjek yang dipelajari oleh anak anda. Ia merekodkan dan memaparkan purata markah untuk setiap subjek yang dibuat pada bulan tersebut. Anda juga boleh membuat perbandingan dengan keputusan latihan yang dibuat pada bulan-bulan sebelumnya.

Lagipun, eReport Card™ merekodkan sebanyak 10 latihan terakhir dari eAssessment™ & eTrial Exam™ untuk membolehkan anda memantau dan mengambil langkah-langkah tertentu untuk membetulkan keadaan sebelum mereka menduduki peperiksan yang sebenar.

Objektif Utama:-

1. Membolehkan ibu bapa memantau & menilai tahap perkembangan akademik anak-anak.
2. Membantu anak-anak bila perlu terhadap perkembangan akademik mereka.

Mengesan dan menjejaki pelajaran anak anda tanpa melalui pihak ketiga.
Secara langsung memberi galakan kepada anak-anak dengan adanya eReport Card™ ini. Nescaya cara penilai ini adalah sangat bernilai untuk mereka yang ingin mencapai kecermelangan A.

Score A Programme™ - ePast Year Exam

ePast Year Exam

ePastYearExam allows students sitting for national examinations to practise on actual past years’ examination papers. These are actual UPSR, PMR and SPM examination papers set by the Ministry of Education.

Each exam paper is set exactly as the actual examination paper format and students have the options to select questions either by “year” or by “random” and have to complete all exercises within the time allocated. This exclusive and invaluable feature allows students countless examination practices thus helps and condition students to be exam ready and Score A's in the real examinations.

ePast Year Exam

ePastYearExam membolehkan para pelajar yang bakal menduduki peperiksaan utama ialah UPSR , PMR dan SPM berlatih menggunakan kertas soalan tahun-tahun lepas sebenar yang telah dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia.

Setiap kertas soalan disediakan dalam format yang sama seperti kertas soalan peperiksaan yang sebenar. Disini para pelajar boleh memilih soalan samada menurut “Tahun” ataupun secara”Rawak” dan haruslah melengkapkan latihan dalam masa yang diperuntukkan. Ciri yang ekslusif dan berharga ini membolehkan pelajar melakukan latihan tanpa had. Justeru membantu dan membiasakan diri untuk bersedia menghadapi peperiksaan dan mencapai kecemerlangan A didalam peperiksaan yang sebenar.

Score A Programme™ - eProgress


eProgress is a monitoring chart that allows parents keep track of their children’s performances on eTopic. This feature is an effective monitoring tool that is designed to keep parents informed of their children’s work schedule, ensuring parents that their children eTopic exercises are done and completed accordingly.

Parents would be updated on the number of attempts their children has done on each topic, thus specifically highlighting the “difficult topics” faced by their children. This information will help parents identify specific topics in a subject that their children have difficulties in, instead of generalising and categorising weaknesses by subjects.


eProgress adalah carta perantauan yang membolehkan ibu bapa mengikuti perkembangan anak-anak melalui eTopic. Ciri ini adalah satu kaedah perantauan yang efektif. Ia direkabentuk untuk memastikan bahawa ibu bapa sentiasa diberitahu tentang kesemua latihan-latihan eTopic anak-anak mereka.

Ibu bapa juga akan dikemaskinikan tentang bilangan percubaan yang telah dilakukan oleh anak untuk setiap topik. Justeru itu menunjukkan topik-topik yang didapati sukar. Maklumat ini membolehkan ibu bapa mengenal pasti topik-topik yang bermasalah dan bukan mengkategorikan kelemahan mengikut subjek.

Score A Programme™ - eTrial Exam™

eTrial Exam™

eTrial Exam™ module is designed to simulate actual exam environment for UPSR, PMR and SPM. It further enhance your children’s exam readiness.
This module will help your children condition themselves to the pressure of completing the exam in a specific amount of time allocated according to Examination Board's Standards.

eTrial Exam™ was designed like an actual exam and the student will have to submit it for correction or grading after they have completed it. The grading is instant.

This module thus help and condition students to be confident, exam ready and score A’s.

eTrial Exam™

Untuk memastikan bahawa anak anda betul-betul bersedia untuk menghadapi peperiksaan, modul eTrial Exam™ direkabentuk sebagai satu simulasi keadaan peperiksaan yang sebenar untuk UPSR, PMR & SPM.

Modul ini akan membantu anak anda membiasakan diri dengan keadaan dimana mereka harus melengkapkan kerja mengikut masa yang diberi. eTrial Exam™ telah direkabentuk seperti peperiksaan yang sebenar dan para pelajar haruslah melengkapkannya sebelum diberi markah. Pemarkahannya adalah serta merta.

Pendek kata, modul ini menjadikan para pelajar lebih yakin, bersedia dan mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang.

Score A Programme™ - eNotes

eNotes are brief notes but compact especially prepared for use for all subjects in the Score A Programme.

eNotes is specially suitable for students wishing to do revision on any subject before practicing. It is prepared topically. Therefore, students are encouraged to go over the eNotes before answering questions in eTopic.

So that, students will be better prepared when they start to do exercises or answer questions in the eTopic specifically when looking for the correct answers.

Good Luck.!

eNotes adalah nota ringkas tetapi padat yang disdiakan untuk semua mata pelajaran dalam program Score A.

eNotes sangat sesuai untuk pelajar mengulangkaji sesuatu mata pelajaran sebelum membuat latihan. Ia disediakan secara topikal. Oleh itu, pelajar disaran meneliti eNotes sebelum menjawab soalan dalam eTopic.

Dengan demikian, pelajar akan lebih bersedia untuk membuat latihan atau menjawab soalan yang disdiakan melalui eTopic, terutama dalam membuat pilihan jawapan yang tepat.

Selamat Maju Jaya.!

Score A Programme™ - eAssessment™

eAssessment™- General Questions

eAssessment™ was carefully designed to allow your children do exercises as often as they want and provides instant Output Learning to assess your children's understanding of a particular subject taught in school. Your children can select a subject at any one time and instantly find out if they have understood what they have learnt and review their understanding of that subject. As parents, you will then be able to identify your child's strength and weaknesses so that timely measures can be taken to correct any shortcomings before the actual examinations.

When a student is practising with eAssessment™, answers are corrected instantly to allow the student to learn from the their mistakes. Each question allows the student four attempts to find the right answer. Each attempt that is incorrect will have 1/3 point deducted, and when the wrong answer is selected, the student will be informed instantly, thus "forcing" the student to re-read the question before his or her 2nd, 3rd or 4th attempt. This instils the habit of reading the question carefully and understanding it before attempting an answer.

The key objectives are:-

1. To provide instant output learning.
2. To sharpen exam skills by allowing students unlimited practise.
3. To help students to answer correctly, 1st time, every time.
4. To establish the habit to read and understand questions before answering.

eAssessment™- Soalan-soalan Umum

eAssessment™ telah direkabentuk untuk membolehkan anak-anak membuat latihan pendek sebanyak yang mungkin dan membekalkan pembelajaran output secara terus menerus untuk menilai sejauh manakah pemahaman mereka didalam subjek yang diajar disekolah. Anak-anak anda boleh memilih mana-mana subjek pada bila-bila masa dan secara terus boleh menilai samada mereka faham atau tidak subjek yang diajar. Sebagai ibu bapa anda dapat mengenalpasti kekuatan dan kelemahan anak anda supaya anda dapat mengambil langkah-langkah tertentu untuk memperbetulkan keadaan sebelum mereka menduduki peperiksaan yang sebenar.

Apabila seorang pelajar membuat latihan melalui eAssessment™ , penandaan akan dibuat serta merta untuk membolehkan pelajar belajar dari kesilapan. Setiap soalan membenarkan pelajar mencuba sebanyak 4 kali untuk mendapatkan jawapan yang betul. Setiap percubaan yang salah akan ditolak 1/3 markah dan pelajar akan diberitahu secara terus yang mana ia akan memaksa pelajar untuk membaca soalan dengan teliti sebelum membuat percubaan ke-2 , ke-3 dan ke-4. Ini akan menanam sikap untuk membaca dan memahami soalan dengan teliti sebelum memberi sebarang jawapan.

Objektif utama eAssessment™:-

1. Menyediakan pembelajaran output secara terus.
2. Meningkatkan keupayaan menghadapi peperiksaaan dengan membenarkan pelajar membuat latih tubi tanpa had.
3. Membantu menjawab soalan dengan betul setiap kali dalam percubaan yang pertama.
4. Menanam sikap untuk membaca dan memahami soalan sebelum menjawab.
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